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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Week 9- Rethinking Identity; Maureen Rooney

I think that the society I live in, including myself, can make a difference in encompassing the cultural differences that surround us. Even though my community is small, we can make a local difference which could then build into making a larger impact in another society. Like professor Vaughn mentioned in class, many immigrants and their parents forget the customs that they once practiced. My society can be more inclusive by offering a variety of classes such as ethnic cooking, salsa dancing and maybe a sport that is not frequently played in America to allow the immigrants feel more comfortable in America. This may seem like the “epcot approach” but it would allow new citizens to keep their traditions from their old country and allow people in my community to learn their traditions with them, making everyone feel more open and comfortable.
My community also can rethink identity by getting to know the individual before stereotyping them. I believe the majority, not just Americans, are guilty of this. If we allow ourselves to develop our own opinion then we will be able to learn more about the individual and their religion, their real cultural identity, making the society feel like a more accepting culture to live in.     

Viviana has a bright future in head of her. Even though she is an immigrant, she will eventually, which much hope, become a legal citizen of the United States. She can still speak Spanish quite well but she is also developing her English speaking skills.
          However, even though Viviana is first looked as an immigrant to others, she is much more than just an immigrant. She is a sister, daughter and friend to many. She has a bright personality and loves to color; Viviana loves the color purple. She struggles in language arts but loves math.
I think American citizens need to meet people who are new to the country by getting to know their personality and background; Americans’ first thought should not be “Oh, she is an immigrant.” American needs to be more excepting of newcomers because they are creating America’s culture. They are bringing new traditions and introducing ways of living to many Americans; they are an asset to the American culture. In doing so, immigrants will be able to assimilate easier into American society. It is said that “social support offers [immigrants] a mechanism to cope with stressful life events,” such as a move to a new country (Vaughn, p. 71). As a result, immigrants will feel more stable and accepted in their new home, allowing them to introduce and educate Americans about their customs.

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