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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Week 8- Effects of Culture on Health- Dominique Lawson

Effects of Culture on Health (broadly defined)       

            In the book written by Lisa Vaughn, health is defined as a state of complete physical, mental, and social well being. The book states that it is not merely the absence of disease or illness. In America people are considered unhealthy in many ways. Weight, practices such as smoking, and lack of social contact with others are just a few of the characteristics of an unhealthy being. But health is not the same cross culturally. While biology is an important factor in health other factors like personal behavior, psychosocial environment and the physical environment have a vast influence on health as well (Vaughn, 134). Here in America, obesity is frowned upon. It is seen as an unhealthy life choice that needs to be changed with exercise, eating healthy, and/ or surgery. In some African countries obesity is a sign of wealth. It is rarely frowned upon. We also frown upon anorexia in America because of the harm it does to the body, but in some Asian countries, the only way you can find a husband is by being that tiny. Thus showing that health cross- culturally is different.

There are also different ways of treating illness cross culturally. In America we rely on doctors and physicians to help us get better. There are also over-the-counter drugs to assist as well. In other countries they rely on divine power to help with illness. They also believe that spirits are the cause of illness so they use remedies that many Americans would scoff at (Vaughn, 136).

         Earlier I mentioned that health is influenced by four factors. Through personal behavior, a person has to practice healthy things in their life on their own. Some of these choices would be not smoking, eating a balanced diet, and living an active life vs. a sedentary one. It also depends on the psychosocial environment. In my psychology class we have been talking about health psychology. In this lesson I learned that parents and family are the most influential of the health practices that a person will practice. It is important to notice what family members do that is good and what is negative and try to focus only on the good when going about your own activities. Physical environment is also important to health. In some cases a person may live in an area that is not considered healthy. Some areas suffer from a lot of pollution, others suffer from a lot of gang violence that can take away a healthy life. Notice the physical environment and take precaution in developing healthy practices. Finally biology is an important factor. But there is nothing that can really be done about the biological aspect besides knowing what your family health history is. If there are any red flags try to prevent your chances of getting it by consulting a physician and figuring out what steps should be taken.

      At AMIS, we will have a party to end our mentoring year. At this party there will be candy, juice, chips, cookies, fruits, and vegetables. Since this is an event for children it is important that we have some things they like, but also important that we introduce foods that they may not normally choose for themselves. Healthy snacks like fruits and vegetables are just as good if not better than the unhealthy snacks. I am happy that professor Vaughn made the suggestion to grab some of these healthy snacks for the children. We are also doing a piñata activity with the children. It will be fun but hopefully there is sun as well so that the children can engage in physical activity outdoors because they won't have recess that week.

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