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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Week 8:Health, Culture and Immigration & Mental Health Issues/Thelma Hodge

  Recognizing that everyone has a different view on heath is critical, when working with immigrant children and families. Vaughn strongly asserts, “Different cultural have diverse belief systems with regards to health and healing in comparison to the Western model of medicine” (p. 136). Clearly, not everyone has been raised to just call the doctor and then pick up a prescription from the pharmacy. Many immigrants may heavily rely upon herbal medicines or may look towards thier religion to heal them. At the end of the day, understanding and respect will go along way when trying to address heath issues with these families.
            Mental health is less stigmatized in America but it wasn’t always that way. It has taken countless medical, social workers, heath care providers, psychologists and psychiatrists have all helped our American culture become more acceptant of those suffering from a mental illness. Many other countries around the world have also come to hold similar beliefs (like the U.S.) in regards to mental illness, but at the same time other parts of the world have not. Vaughn highlighted an example, of how West Africans view mental illness. Her research suggest that for the most part, West Africans view, mental illness as being “witched” or punishment for wrong doing” (p. 146). I’m not here to assert what is the right or wrong but I do want to make the point that culture and ones country of origin, are highly influential, in regards to how we view health and mental problems.
            It is because of those differences in culture and country of orgin, we may choose not to seek medical services, even if they are available in a new country. Helping families understand that the services are available is hard enough but convincing them to take advantage of the services, is even more difficult (in some cases).  Last week at the party my mentee’s little brother complained of a tooth ache. I was very concerned about the pain her was describing to me. I was able to contact Maria, and she promised to contact Leone’s parents, and give them info about free dental services in the area. I was able to drop off two Crest childrens dental kits to Leonel and his brother, but I hope and pray that his parents are able to obtian services for his little brother so his toothache doesn't evolve into something worse.

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