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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Week 8: Effects of culture on health; Maureen Rooney

A person’s culture has a great effect on a person’s health. A person is surrounded and immersed in their culture on a daily basis. Four factors that help shape a person’s health are “human biology, personal behavior, psychosocial environment and physical environment” (Vaughn, p.134). First, we can look a person’s human biology. Certain races and genders are more susceptible to diseases, or be a carrier for a trait, than other races such as Sickle Cell Anemia. How a person interacts with others also impacts a person’s health. If a person is part of a warm, friendly environment and then the environment is drastically changed, from a large-scale migration, a person could experience depression. They could also experience a loss of identity and forget why they are important in their new society. Also, if they are an outgoing person, a loss of interaction with others can negatively impact their health. Religion is also a part of one’s culture. A person’s faith can keep one mentally strong during a time of trial and sickness.  A person’s everyday culture can positively or negatively impact one’s health. If it is common to smoke in one’s culture, the person may pick up the habit of smoking because they see it as a norm. On the other hand, if the person’s culture is filled with athletic people, the person may develop the passion to physically challenge themselves by participating in sports.
At AMIS, the Pigglet team tried to create a positive culture of health by encouraging the students to walk a mile twice a week. It was easier for the students because they saw that their friends were completing the mile and wanted to do the same. The culture at AMIS assisted the students to become physically and emotionally healthy.

I am immersed in a culture that promotes health. My mother is a dietitian so as a child, my family would always eat healthy meals and snacks. Therefore, as a young adult, I am accustomed to choosing healthier options. Furthermore, my parents were both athletic as children. As a result, they encourage my siblings and me to join multiple sports teams. The sports teams allowed me to develop useful social skills and meaningful relationships while keeping me physically active at the same time. Also, my family is very religious. We attend mass every Sunday as a family and pray before our meals. I have turned to my faith in times of need and thanks. I believe my faith has kept my family and myself emotionally strong during difficult times. Then, my culture, which includes my neighborhood, affects my health. My neighborhood recycles. This teaches me to be eco-friendly and to pick up after myself. It assists my health because I am able to live in a healthier, cleaner environment. Culture impacts a person’s health in many aspects and I am fortunate to be impacted in many positive, healthy ways.  

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