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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Week 10- Dominique Lawson- Learnings/ Summary

What have you learned about yourself and your culture?
      This class has taught me that culture is not specific to where you live and your race. There are many other aspects to this broad subject. I have learned that I have many cultural attributes other than my African American label. I have learned that being a sister is a cultural definer, that being a student is a cultural definer, that being a Christian is a cultural definer. I have learned that I have more that defines me, that I am a very culturally diverse person although I was born and raised in America. 
What have you learned about other cultures from working with the kids at AMIS?
The children at AMIS have shown me how easy other cultures can work, play, and enjoy company together. They showed me, first hand, what our class books talk about: the struggle faced by immigrant children and the hard work that goes into being a successful student. Each of the children that I encountered at AMIS was kind and full of life. I enjoyed keeping Alina on track with her school work and giving her guidance in the problems associated with grade school. It was nice to be emerged in multiple cultures, practice Spanish, and feel appreciated. 
What have you learned about other cultures from our readings? 
The readings have taught me many things in this class, things that I may not have learned elsewhere. I have learned about the prejudices and discrimination that immigrants face. I have learned what constitutes a psychosocial experience. I've read about the intercultural interactions and relationships. I've learned about the differences in health across cultures. I've seen the experiences that immigrant children face in the school system. Each of the books selected was very appropriate for the course and helped me create my blogs and formulate thoughts on immigration. 
What have you learned about other cultures from your peers and society? 
     I have learned that much of society do not understand what culture really is or what the true benefits and downfalls to immigration are. From my peers at UC, I have learned the differences in education across culture and how varied scholarships truly are. I have greeted many cultures on a day to day basis because of this school. 
      I intend to make the most of this experience. I really formed a bond with Alina and even though I live out of state, I intend to keep in touch with her throughout the summer and hopefully be her mentor again when the school year starts again. I will also study abroad and attempt to expand my cultural competence. Because I will become a bilingual psychologist, this experience has helped me work on my Spanish skills and be more comfortable in speaking it. 

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