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Friday, April 15, 2011

Week 2 : Sarah Arriola

My mom, brother, and I.
       I grew up in a small, predominantly white, town. Before coming to college, the only diversity I really experienced was when we would visit my dad's side of the family in Illinois, who for the most part are Hispanic and live in an area which is primarily Hispanic. I visited that side of the family on a semi-regular basis, but didn't often think about the diversity that I experienced while there.
My dad and I.
       After coming to college, I realized how little diversity I had experienced in my life. I met people from all over the world and from all walks of life. Suddenly, my life seemed rather sheltered.
       I lived in a small, white town and went to school with mostly white kids. I have always lived with both of my parents, and even though we moved around several times when I was younger, it was always within the U.S. and we were usually in white areas where English was the primary language. I didn't really struggle in school, and was able to communicate with all of the kids that I went to school with.
A picture of Hwah's obsession--High School Musical!!
       My mentee, Hwah, has had a very different childhood than I had. She was born in the U.S., but lived in Africa from the age of 4 through about the age of 7. She actually thought she was born in Africa until her mom informed her otherwise. Hwah, who is now 10, lives with her mom, twin brother, and one sister. Her father still lives in Africa with some of the rest of her family, including another one of her sisters. She often spends part of her summer vacation in Africa. Her situation is similar to Andre's situation in Suarez-Orozco (x2) book, "Children of Immigration." Andre, similar to Hwah, was initially separated from one parent, and is now separated from the other (p. 18). I can't imagine having to be separated from my parents like that, especially at such a young age.
       Hwah speaks English and French, and would like to learn how to speak Spanish as well. She likes school, but really struggles with social studies. She LOVES "High School Musical" and Flaming Hot Cheetos.
       Hwah and I do have some things in common. We both have siblings that we don't live with and therefore don't get to see very often. We both have brothers that we sometimes fight with. We both like mashed potatoes and we both dislike the color orange. I didn't have a chance to take her picture this week, but I plan on taking one next week!


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