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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Week 2- Dominique Lawson

Alina moved here from Costa Rica about three years ago with her mother. I'm glad that we were paired together because she is a good match for me. We share similarities but we also differ. The first thing that Alina said to me is that she does not like to speak Spanish very much. This really surprised me because I thought that most immigrant children would prefer their home language. In Igoa's book she speaks about making a good environment for the child and helping them see that you take an interest in their culture. While I did speak some Spanish with Alina, she expressed that she does not feel connected with Costa Rica. After talking to her longer, I realized that a reason for her not wanting to speak it is that her only family tie to Costa Rica is her grandmother. Her father and siblings still live there but she does not speak to them or have connection with them since she moved to the states. Similarly, I did not speak with my father or any of my siblings as a young child either. They were not in a different country but they did live many states away. Here in the states she is an only child, as I was with my mother; her mother is remarried, as mine is. The difference here is that I was not taken from the rest of my family and required to start anew with others. My extended family was in reach whenever I needed them. 
In my childhood I did not show an interest in sports, Alina is similar to me in that aspect as well. She spends most of her time with her mother having girls nights out and bonding. I did that with my mother as well, but I also had cousins to hang out with when my mother was at work or needed time away from me. She does not have the same access to children her age that I do. We are both studious, she told me that she does all of her homework at the beginning of the week so that she can have time for fun later. I do the same. Being a first generation immigrant differs from my childhood in other ways as well, like the sense that I did not have to learn a new language as Alina did. She speaks very good English now but has forgotten her Spanish so, strangely, we are both learning Spanish right now. She likes to draw pictures, do her nails, do her hair, and play on the computer. I enjoy doing all of those items as well (minus drawing pictures but I did it for her can you tell who drew what?).  

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