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Friday, May 13, 2011

Week 7-Culture and Relationships; Maureen Rooney

AMIS has created a great culture for Viviana to grow in. She is surrounded by people who are like her, immagrants, so she is not afraid to express herself. Although diversity and mingling with students who are not immigrants are not represented at AMIS, she is not labeled or considered an “outcast” at school. I believe this is critical. At AMIS, Viviana is not intimidating to participate in class and to express her native culture.
          Even though Viviana seems to still think boys at her school are “icky,” her opinion may change as she grows older. Viviana may find several male students attractive because “status, closeness and similarity [are] key determinants of attraction (Vaughn 116). Thankfully, Viviana has found many friends who have similarities in status and race to her at AMIS. It does not mean that she will not be able to form relationships with people who are unlike her but it is just not surprising that she is able to connect with students like her.
          Viviana’s parents are both present in her life which is wonderful to see. Although I did not ask, I assumed that when Viviana about her parents and she responded that she had a mother and a father that they were a male and a female. Unlike some states in America, other countries “recognize various kinds of same-sex marriage” (Vaughn 122).
          Viviana drew a beautiful picture for me when I asked her about her about me visiting her each week. She wanted the relationship to continue and was disappointed to hear that we only had a few weeks left of the “structured” mentoring. I hope to continue to remain in contact with Viviana throughout the summer. 

 I am very fortunate because both of my parents are still married after twenty-nine years of marriage. This is not common in America because the divorce rate is around fifty percent. I also am a lucky child because I have many siblings. Most American families only have one or two brothers or sisters. However, I have a family of seven and I love to spend time with them.
I have a great support group of friends. However, my friends are typically the same race and background as me, similar to Viviana’s friends. It is not that I am opposed to making a more diverse group of friends but rather that I find myself surrounded by people who are like me due to the activities and clubs that I belong to. 
UC is an awesome school to go because there are a variety of cultures present on campus. People of different cultures mingle with each other in classes, through events and their everyday activities. I am a very proud UC student. 

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